Friday, May 7, 2010

sWeet MemoRies..........

today might be the last day in cbu..
last night really cant slp well
miss my family members
miss my dear dear friends
miss my laptop
miss my plurk
miss my fb
miss my pillow
miss my bed!!!!!
there are few words to talk with my dear friends
peggy~our cute penguin, miss u always
candy~my darling, take care, leave shs as soon as possible....(laughing)
xing ping~take care at plkn...happy always,don fight with lg
jacelyn~my dear a jie, all the best in urstudies
wsm~hope u get shcolarship soon
suzanne~hey little girl, don always dating wif ur for us too ya..
claire~haha..see u soon...
and others who got matric,
meet u there!!
who don get matric,
don give up,
jpa is another chance....
God will bless u all...