Friday, May 7, 2010

sWeet MemoRies..........

today might be the last day in cbu..
last night really cant slp well
miss my family members
miss my dear dear friends
miss my laptop
miss my plurk
miss my fb
miss my pillow
miss my bed!!!!!
there are few words to talk with my dear friends
peggy~our cute penguin, miss u always
candy~my darling, take care, leave shs as soon as possible....(laughing)
xing ping~take care at plkn...happy always,don fight with lg
jacelyn~my dear a jie, all the best in urstudies
wsm~hope u get shcolarship soon
suzanne~hey little girl, don always dating wif ur for us too ya..
claire~haha..see u soon...
and others who got matric,
meet u there!!
who don get matric,
don give up,
jpa is another chance....
God will bless u all...

Friday, April 30, 2010

i want my notebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My dear home....

then now i wanna introduce my house....
this is my house
a semi-detached house..
no special decoration
no beautiful flowers
not luxurious
but just an ordinary house
one word--comfortable(i think so la...)
hehe...i love my house
and sure am going to miss my house so much~
when i further my studies
this is my address..
welcome to my house
althought is a bit messy
if you're  not mind
but must make sure that i am at home
o else no one treat u ...
ermm...i think tat's should be ok
u help me to tidy my house lo..

P-E-N-G-U-I-N!!!! C-U-T-E

Hey penguin!!!!!
i am calling you....
how are u now?
are u feeling cold?
o are u feeling happy now?
miss me or not?
but for sure, i miss u!!
Hey cute penguin..
why u always deny that u are not penguin?
isn't penguin cute?
truthly say, i love penguin eh..
why don't u?
compare with panda, coala bear and dolphin
i prefer u..
just because u are so cute
every action makes me laugh..
u may wonder am i praising u?
but what i can tell u is: i am praising u, deep from my heart..
penguin, u are my cousin, u know?
and don forget me when u hang out with new friends
  that's all from me
i just wanna express my feeling
the most important is
i love u penguin!!
i will continue to call u PENGUIN

From: ur cousin,kaka

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1,2,3!!! smile girls!!!!!
from left to right: KXP,penguin,Suzanne,me
this photo
taken by our professional photographer--WSM
just after we go for the KFC
what about the picture?
good? weird?funny?
suzanne: hey suz~are u okay??!! u wear a helmet...wanna be a power ranger? or a robber?
penguin &kxp: u two sweety, smile happily..u noe..i MISS u so much!!
can we just hav a plan--free out some time and we go limteh?
what a memorable picture~i will always remember this kind of feeling........

first time saw him wear so 'eng dao'
yup.......right side is my elder brother
a person who always trick me
i am one of the victim
another--my younger brother==
cheh! actually they both always 'pakat' together and cheat me!!
when i saw this picture
first impression to me--shock
because my brother become rich since he got JPA scholarship!!
show off always
everytime ask him to buy some chocolates oso don't want..hmph!!
i envy of his $$$
brother, can give me some?
perhaps you are kind and generous
but don't day-dreaming kaka!!
never! impossible!
'go go', what i would like to say is your this clothes suit you....
put more effort
keep it up!!
smart guy!!

FROM: Your sister,Kaka


Monday, April 19, 2010

Declan Galbraith--Tell Me Why?

In my dream, children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world

Then I wake and all i see
Is the world full of people in need

Tell me why(why)
Does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why)
Is there something i have missed?
Tell me why(why)
'Cos i don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why?

Everyday I ask myself
What will I have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war?

Tell me why(why)
Does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why)
Is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why)
'Cos I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why?
(children)Tell me why?(Declan)Tell me why?
(children)Tell me why?(declan)Tell me why?
(together) just tell me why,why,why?
Tell me why(why)
Does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why)
Is there something i hav missed?
Tell me why(why)
'Cos i don't understand
when so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand

Tell me why(why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why(why,why,do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why(why.why do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why, why,do we sat we care)
Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)
Tell me why(why,why,do the dolphin cry)
Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?
(why,why if we are all the same)
Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)
Tell me why(why,why,does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?
Why,why,(do we close our eyes)
Why,why,(do the greedy life)
Why,why,(do we fight for land)
Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand
Why why
