Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My dear home....

then now i wanna introduce my house....
this is my house
a semi-detached house..
no special decoration
no beautiful flowers
not luxurious
but just an ordinary house
one word--comfortable(i think so la...)
hehe...i love my house
and sure am going to miss my house so much~
when i further my studies
this is my address..
welcome to my house
althought is a bit messy
if you're  not mind
but must make sure that i am at home
o else no one treat u ...
ermm...i think tat's should be ok
u help me to tidy my house lo..


  1. What a big house ! Can i go and stay there? XD

  2. haha...welcome lo...if u noe my house, drive here...!!!
